Huawei announced yesterday two new models in its MateBook D series of laptops, namely the MateBook D14 and MateBook D15. Both models come powered either by an Intel 10th Gen Core series CPU or an AMD Ryzen Mobile processor. They’re also equipped with an optional Nvidia GeForce MX series graphics card with 2GB of dedicated video RAM. The MateBook D14 starts at 699 euros (Rs 54,635 approx), while the MateBook D15 starts at 649 euros (Rs 50,725 approx). Both models are currently on sale globally but we don’t yet know when or if Huawei will launch them in India.
As their names suggest, the MateBook D14 features a 14-inch IPS screen, while the MateBook D15 features a 15.6-inch IPS screen. The FullView display on both models gets Full HD resolution, 250 nits of maximum brightness, and 800:1 contrast ratio. Both models are made of aluminium alloy but the MateBook D14 weighs 1.38kg, while the larger MateBook D15 weighs somewhere between 1.53kg and 1.62kg. Colour options on both models include Mystic Silver and Space Grey. Both models get the same 65W USB-C charger that promises to juice up the battery from 0 to 53 per cent in 30 minutes.
The MateBook D14 can be configured with either 8GB or 16GB of system RAM but the MateBook D15 gets a fixed 8GB option. Solid-state storage on the MateBook D14 is of either 256GB or 512GB capacity but remains a fixed 256GB capacity on the MateBook D15. However, it can be accompanied by an optional 1TB hard drive. The battery on the MateBook D14 is a 56Wh unit rated for 13.2 hours of continuous offline video playback, while the battery on the MateBook D15 is a smaller 42Wh unit.
As is the case with many of Huawei’s laptops, the MateBook D14 and MateBook D15 feature a recessed pop-up webcam on the top row of the keyboard, which can be popped up manually for use and hidden completely for added privacy. Both models also feature a power button with an integrated fingerprint scanner and the company’s proprietary Huawei Share feature, which works in the same way Apple’s AirDrop does. Windows 10 Home comes pre-installed on both models. Huawei hasn’t mentioned if or when it will launch the two new laptops in India.
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