On September 3, Xiaomi India launched Redmi Earbuds 3 Pro alongside the Redmi 10 Prime smartphone. The new TWS from Xiaomi India is a rebranded version of the Redmi Airdots 3 from China. The Earbuds 3 Pro is a budget-friendly true wireless earphone (TWS), with the latest Bluetooth 5.2 and up to 30 hours of playback time.
Redmi Earbuds 3 Pro FeaturesRedmi Earbuds 3 Pro sports a Qualcomm QCC3040 Chipset along with the support of Qualcomm aptX Adaptive codec. The aptX adaptive provides you HD quality audio with minimal distortion. It also offers dynamic low input latency of 86ms for a seamless gaming experience.
The device comes with a dual-driver setup, which includes a dynamic and a balanced armature driver, offering an immersive experience.
Earbuds 3 Pro comes with a 600mAh battery, which will last for about 7 hours on a single charge and 30 hours with the charging case. You can completely charge the device in 3 hours using the USB Type-C Port. You also get Bluetooth 5.2 support for a faster and stable connection and an IPX4 rating, making it splashproof.
Redmi Earbuds 3 Pro Prices and AvailabilityThe Redmi Earbuds 3 Pro is priced at ₹2,999 in India and will be available from 9th September 2021 at 12 pm IST on Amazon and Xiaomi's website. It comes in three colour options, which includes white, blue and pink.
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