Qualcomm may launch the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1+ in May which is a bit earlier than usual. The Plus variants of previous generation Snapdragon SoCs had come in the June, July months. Well, it is not just the timing of the launch, but the new 8 Gen 1 Plus edition would also reportedly switch to a TSMC 4nm process replaced with Samsung’s fab. The report comes from tipster Yogesh Brar (via Onsitego) who tweets, “So Qualcomm SM8475 (Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Plus) will be announced in early May. Will be based on TSMC's 4nm platform with a number of improvements. But that not it, Qualcomm has some other chips as well for the mid & upper mid-range segment.”
Here are the details —
Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Plus: What we know so far
TSMC 5nm wafer design for reference
Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1+ is said to have an SM8475 model number, while if you recall, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 had an SM8450 model number.
The new processor may use ARM’s 4nm architecture and for fabbing the same, Qualcomm is reportedly partnering with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).
TSMC’s 4nm process node is considered more power-efficient than the alternative from Samsung. The current-gen Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 (made by Samsung) had got some flak for its heating and throttling issues. Meanwhile, the competitors had relied on TSMC with largely better results.
This could be the reason behind this alleged transition. At least the talk on the street is so.
Anyways, as per this new report, we may get to see the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Plus in May and it predicts the chip to come within high-end phones from Xiaomi, OnePlus, Lenovo, and Motorola, Although not mentioned, you could expect the usual suspects like Samsung, Asus, Vivo, Realme, etc too.
Even the mid-range chips from the Snapdragon 7-series may be announced this time.
For other news, reviews, feature stories, buying guides, and everything else, tech-related, keep reading Digit.in.
Apple told appellate judges that Epic Games had failed to show any legal error that would justify them overturning a lower-court ruling that found key App Store policies do not break US antitrust law.
MSI Prestige and Summit premium business laptops have been refreshed with Intel 12th Gen P-series processors. In addition to the latest processors, the new MSI business laptops are also getting Nvidia discrete GPUs as well. The more budget-oriented MSI Modern series laptops have been updated with Intel 12th Gen U-series processors.
2022 MSI Prestige Series Laptops Specs, Features, And Price
MSI Prestige 14
MSI Prestige series comprises thin and light laptops that have high portability and performance. The Prestige lineup features a 14-inch and a 15-inch laptop variant. However, in terms of specs, both are fairly similar. The MSI Prestige 14 and 15 feature upto 32GB memory, 1TB SSD storage, and are powered by an Intel 12th Gen Core i7-1280P processor. The Intel chip features 14 cores including 6-Performance cores (6P) and 8-Efficiency cores (8E). Additionally, the Core i7-1280P also features upto 20 threads.
MSI Prestige 15 comes with up to an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050 Ti. Meanwhile, the MSI Prestige 14 features upto an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050. However, both cards only have 4GB GDDR6 VRAM. MSI Prestige also comes with an Nvidia GTX 1650 as an optional GPU and users can also opt for no discrete graphics for this particular laptop model as well.
In terms of display, both laptops feature an FHD panel featuring a 16:9 aspect ratio and a maximum resolution of 1920 X 1080 pixels. Users will not find any high fresh rate option as the screen on both laptops is limited to 60Hz. MSI Prestige 14 and 15 feature only a 720p webcam with Windows Hello functionality and a fingerprint sensor as well.
In terms of I/O ports, the MSI Prestige 15 features two USB Type-A ports, two Thunderbolt ports, an HDMI, a headphone jack, and a microSD card reader as well. Meanwhile, the MSI Prestige 14 skips on one USB Type-A port and the HDMI slot, while keeping the rest of the layout identical to the 15-inch variant.
Additionally, MSI Prestige 15 comes with an 82Wh battery capacity meanwhile the Prestige 14 comes equipped with a much smaller 52Wh battery unit. This difference could become a huge deciding factor between these laptops.
MSI Prestige 14 has a starting price of $929 or Rs 70,869 and the Prestige 15 price range begins from $1,399 or Rs 1,06,723.
2022 MSI Summit Series Laptops Specs, Features, And Price
MSI Summit E16
MSI Summit series represents their top-of-the-line laptops featuring the highest possible specifications and latest features. There are three convertible MSI Summit series laptops namely - E16 Flip, E14 Flip, and E13 Flip. The E14 Flip also has a non-convertible version known simply as the Summit E14.
In terms of specs, most MSI Summit variants are powered by up to an Intel 12th Gen Core i7-1280P processor featuring 12 cores (4P + 8E) and 16 threads. Meanwhile, the MSI Summit E13 Flip comes with an Intel Core i7-1280P processor featuring 14 cores (6P + 8E) and 16 threads. Additionally, with Summit E16 Flip users can get up to an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050 Ti as a discreet graphics card.
The MSI Summit models come with a 16:10 aspect ratio, which is better for productivity compared to a 16:9 aspect ratio display. Naturally, the bigger MSI Summit E16 Flip gets the best display with a 16-inch Quad HD+ panel with support for 2560 x 1600 pixel resolution and up to 165Hz refresh rate. The display also has 100% DCI P3 colour space coverage therefore it's best suited for HDR content.
The MSI Summit E14 Flip features a 2k display with 2880 x 1800 pixel resolution, 60Hz maximum refresh rate support, and 100% DCI-P3 colour space coverage. Meanwhile, the smaller MSI Summit E13 Flip comes with an FHD+ display featuring 1920 x 1200 pixel resolution, up to 120Hz refresh rate, and 100% sRGB colour space coverage.
The Summit E14 non-convertible variant features an FHD+ display with a 60Hz refresh rate.
In terms of I/O, the Summit E16 Flip comes with two USB Type-A ports, two Thunderbolt ports, a microSD slot, a headphone jack, and an HDMI port. All the other MSI Summit series laptops also have the same ports but lack one USB type-A port.
All the MSI Summit series laptops come with an FHD webcam with Windows Hello functionality and a fingerprint reader as well. For additional security, these laptops also come with Tile integration. For the uninitiated, Tile is a platform that uses Bluetooth low energy tech to find any particular electronic device. Meaning, users will be able to find their laptops even when it’s switched off.
The MSI Summit E16 Flip has a starting price tag of $1,549 or Rs 1,18,119. The MSI Summit 14 Flip comes with a starting price of $1,499 or Rs 1,14,306.
Meanwhile, the Summit E14 price range begins from $1,249 or Rs 95,242. Lastly, the Summit E13 Flip range starts from $1,399 or Rs 10,6,681.
2022 MSI Modern Laptop Series Specs, Features, And Price
MSI Modern 14
The Modern laptop series represents the budget lineup from MSI, which it expects to sell the most as well. The MSI Modern Series features a 14-inch and a 15-inch model. In terms of specs, the MSI Modern 15 features up to an Intel 12th Gen Core i7-1255U featuring 10-cores (2P + 8E) and 12-threads. Meanwhile, the Modern 14 comes equipped with up to an Intel 12th Gen Core i5-1235U. Both these laptops are available with up to 16GB memory and 512GB SSD.
Furthermore, the MSI Modern 14 and 15 feature an FHD display with maximum 60Hz refresh rate support.
In terms of I/O, both models feature a USB Type-A port, a USB Type-C port with no Thunderbolt support, a microSD card slot, an HDMI, and a 3.5mm headphone jack.
MSI Modern 14 price range begins from $699 or Rs 53,281. Meanwhile, the Modern 15 has a starting price of $849 or Rs 64,714.
Apple may come up with a new subscription system for buying iPhones and iPads. According to a fresh report from Bloomberg, the iPhone maker is working on a hardware subscription service that lets you buy not just iPhones but iPads too in monthly payments. So, if you felt that iPhone or iPad you wanted to be a bit pricey for your pocket, then, soon, you would be able to subscribe to the device as you do with the apps.
However, would you want a monthly iPhone subscription service? Well, you may be able to answer that properly once all details about the Apple hardware subscription service are here. For now, let’s piece together the information we have.
Apple subscription service for hardware: Everything we know
Although this could be applicable to other hardware products in the Apple ecosystem, at present the Bloomberg report mentions of iPhone subscription service and iPad subscription service only.
The plan seems to be to create a subscription payment model like with the brand’s iCloud, Apple Music, and other services. You’d be using the same Apple ID and App Store account you currently use to subscribe to these apps.
Now, if you were thinking of this as an installment system, the report suggests it’s not. This wouldn’t involve splitting the total iPad or iPhone price into 12 or 24 months. Instead, you would be paying a monthly fee based on your chosen device, although the nitty-gritty calculations of it are still to be determined.
Anyways, making the proposition a little more exciting is the chances of there being an upgrade program tied to this subscription service. That is once the new batch of iPhones or iPads hit the stores every year, you may be allowed to upgrade to those. Also, there are rumors of other Apple services like AppleCare or Apple One offered with this.
“The service would be Apple’s biggest push yet into automatically recurring sales, allowing users to subscribe to hardware for the first time — rather than just digital services. But the project is still in development, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the initiative hasn’t been announced,” notes the Bloomberg report.
If Cupertino decides to go ahead with the idea, we may see the Apple iPhone subscription service launch in late 2022 or early 2023.
For other news, reviews, feature stories, buying guides, and everything else tech-related, keep reading Digit.in.
After announcing Call of Duty Warzone And Vanguard Season 2, Activision is introducing Season 3 of COD Mobile too on April 01 at 5:30 AM IST. The new update is themed around the 80s and the star of the show is Snoop Dogg. Well, he has collaborated with the gaming giant and is also part of the aforementioned COD S02 on other platforms. You can play as him and unlock his flashy wear and gear through a lucky draw.
But, there’s more.
Call of Duty Mobile Season 3 Radical Raid Attractions
In the CODM Season 3, you stand a chance to earn 50 new tiers of Battle Pass rewards and enjoy both free and premium content including new operators, events, skills, map, etc.
It packs new operators like Gunzo – Clownpin, Park - Glam and the D-O-double-G Snoop Dogg as a freelance covert agent and field operative. You get to even test your luck at winning his flashy items.
Then, there is a new Miami: Strike map which is a smaller version of the original Miami map. According to Activision, “Players will compete during the day among a dizzying array of collector cars that line the street. Tighter quarters provide for some intense firefights in buildings, on the street and throughout the back alleys.”
Next up, you can also experience two themed events namely —
A Soldier’s Choice (A 14-day event wherein each day, you interact with Menendez (a Nicaraguan cartel leader) and your choices will boost the XP generation as well as earn them rewards such as weapons and character skins.) Easter Battle Royale (wherein you fight and find the hidden easter eggs in a battle royale spread across the map).
In its press release revealing the CODM S03, Activision has also emphasized the start of World Championship 2022 Stage 1 and Ranked Series 1 from March 31. The company also tries to build up the excitement by saying that there could be “new seasonal challenges, lucky draws, bundles, and more releasing in the store at launch and throughout the season.”
You can check out the Call of Duty Mobile Season 3 Radical Raid reveal trailer below.
As for other news, reviews feature stories, buying guides, and everything else tech-related, keep reading Digit.in.
Far Cry 6 will be free to play this weekend, from March 24 to March 28, Ubisoft has announced. Pre-loading for PlayStation and PC users has already begun, and the game will go live later on Thursday. Gamers can also pick up the game at a discounted rate on all platforms for a limited time.
Ghostwire: Tokyo is set to release on March 25, and Bethesda has announced the minimum, recommended, high, and highest PC system requirements for the game. Bethesda has also announced the PC system requirements for players who want to experience ray-tracing. Ghostwire: Tokyo can be played on PC as well as PlayStation 5.