Xiaomi Smart Standing Fan 2 has officially launched as part of Xiaomi’s 8th anniversary in India. Xiaomi also launched a 360-degree Home Security Camera 1080p 2i last week priced at Rs 2,999 in India. The Smart Standing Fan 2 features a BLDC motor, over 100-speed levels and has support for voice and app control. This standing fan can be adjusted vertically and horizontally for better airflow range as well. Here’s everything you need to know about the Xiaomi Smart Standing Fan 2.
We're taking the world by storm with the all-new #XiaomiSmartStandingFan2! Built to be #QuietSmartQuiteCool, this category entrant is indeed a breath of fresh air. Here's @tucneekfreek to tell you all about it! To learn more: https://t.co/NQoKUt33v8 pic.twitter.com/erWoxVwi7K
— Xiaomi India (@XiaomiIndia) July 11, 2022 Xiaomi Smart Standing Fan 2 price and availabilityThe Xiaomi Smart Standing Fan 2 is priced at ₹6,999 in India and the company is offering a ₹1,000 pre-order discount which brings down the effective price to ₹5,999. The pre-orders for Xiaomi Smart Standing Fan 2 start from July 11-18th on mi.com.
Xiaomi Smart Standing Fan 2 featuresThe Xiaomi Smart Standing Fan 2 is powered by a silent BLDC motor which has a longer life than conventional aluminium-wire motors. The standing fan also has a dual fan design with 7+5 wing blades that ensures an increased airflow with a minimal operating noise of 30.2dB(A). It offers 140-degree horizontal rotation and 39-degree vertical tilt with an airflow range of 14 meters.
The Xiaomi standing fan offers over 100-speed levels that can be tuned by using the Home app to get a direct air blow. Moreover, the fan also supports Alexa and Google assistant and can be used with voice commands.
This Xiaomi Smart Standing Fan 2 weighs around 3kgs and has an adjustable height with just a press of a button. It has a 6-step assembly process and the frame is washable too.
from Smart Fans News https://ift.tt/ifcSxIh