Realme Pad X is all set to launch in India very soon as its listing has gone live on Flipkart. The Realme Pad X was announced in May for China and is now heading to India. The Flipkart listing so far only shows how thin the Realme Pad X is and teases 5G capabilities but the model launched in China does not have cellular connectivity. Realme is hinting at the premium mid-range segment as the pricing for the Pad X but we’ll know for sure once the Realme tablet launches in India.
Realme Pad X specificationsThe Realme Pad X that’s launched in China features an 11-inch LCD display with 2K resolution and a 5:3 aspect ratio. It measures 7.1 mm in thickness and weighs 499 grams. The Pad X also supports a stylus which magnetically docks to the side of the tablet.
The Realme Pad X is powered by the Snapdragon 695 chipset and is paired with upto 6GB RAM and 128GB of storage. There’s a 13MP camera on the back and an 8MP selfie camera up front.
It also features quad-stereo speakers with support for Hi-Res audio playback. The Realme Pad X is equipped with an 8,340mAh battery that supports 33W fast charging out-of-the-box.
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