Meta announced the Quest Pro, its full-color Mixed Reality headset at Connect 2022 keynote. It is codenamed Project Cambria, and was being rumored for a while. Well, finally now that it’s here, we learn that it brings a new Snapdragon XR2-Plus chipset, 4 times more pixels than Meta Quest 2, inward-facing cameras for tracking facial expressions and eye movements, and new avatars that mirror these actions and reactions. Let’s have a look at the Quest Pro internals and know when and for how much it will start retailing.
Meta Quest Pro specs and featuresMeta has powered the Quest Pro with Snapdragon XR2-Plus SoC, 12GB of RAM, 256GB of storage, and around 1-2 hours of battery life. It apparently takes 2 hours to top it up.
As for the most important aspect of an MR headset, the display on the Quest Pro sports 1800 x 1920 pixels per eye, a 90Hz refresh rate, 75 percent more contrast than Quest 2, full-foveated rendering, swappable free-sliding lenses, and a calibration process for adjusting IPD (interpupillary distance). You can use some rubber blinders on each side or a full face ring for an immersive visual experience.
The strap mechanism is now fastened using a wheel and not velcro.
The touch controller included with the Quest Pro is backward compatible with Quest 2 games. You get a hand-tracking facility too.
All of these and the thing weighs 722 grams.
Last but not least, Meta has partnered with Microsoft and so you could use Office, Windows, Teams, and even Xbox Cloud Gaming on the new MR headsets.
Meta Quest Pro price and availabilityMeta has priced the Quest Pro at $1,499 (~₹1,23,300) and the new controllers are carrying a price tag of $299 (~₹24,594).
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