BenQ has launched a new monitor in India — GW90QT. It comes in two sizes viz., 27-inch and 32-inch. They feature a 2k display, USB-C (TB3) 65W power delivery, speakers with noise filters, noise-cancellation microphones and an accessory monitor base cover. Scroll to find the complete details including how much it costs and where can you buy it.
BenQ GW90QT monitor features1. Starting with the main thing about a monitor, its display: You are getting a 2K IPS 8-bit panel with a 16:9 aspect ratio, 75Hz refresh rate,1000:1 contrast ratio, 99% of sRGB coverage, 350 nits of brightness, and anti-glare, anti-flicker, and low-blue light properties.
You can choose between various colour modes like Care mode, Coding, ePaper, Game, M-Book, Movie, Standard, and User. You can also prop this monitor horizontally or vertically.
2. There is a 2x 2W speaker with noise filtration. This is backed by noise-cancelling microphones. If you want to listen using a headphone, there is an audio jack for that.
3. Other ports on the GW90QT includes HDMI 1.4, Thunderbolt 3 USB-C port (that supports 65W power delivery, DisplayPort Alt Mode as well as data sharing), DisplayPort out (Multi-stream transport), and 3x USB 3.2. You also get the Daisy Chain option to use several screens at a time.
4. For better cable management, BenQ has given the GC01 monitor base cover. Besides cables and accessories, you can also keep stationery items on it.
5. The monitor is rated for environmental standards such as Energy Star 8.0, TCO Certified 9.0 and EPEAT Bronze. You get up to a 3-year warranty on this BenQ monitor.
BenQ GW90QT pricing and availabilityBenQ GW90QT is available on Amazon India starting at ₹26,990 for the 27-inch model. You can purchase the 32-inch model at ₹34,990.
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