Noise has launched the NoiseFit Crew Pro smartwatch in India. It is priced currently at ₹2,199 which is a hotly contested segment. So, what does this watch offer besides the obvious round dial, metallic finish, and leather strap?
NoiseFit Crew Pro: Specs and features1. Noise has equipped the watch with a 1.4-inch round display with 240x240 resolution and 550-nits of brightness. In this price range, we have smartwatches with 1.7-inch (Fire Boltt Ring), 1.83-inch (Fire Boltt Jaguar) and even 1.91-inch (BoAt Xtend Call Plus) screens. But, 1.4-inches would be a good place to start.
As for brightness, it is outsmarted by the Maxima Nitro with 600 nits of brightness. But, even 550 nits should be legible enough for most environments and is far more than 220 nits on the Fire Boltt Ring.
In the renders, the bezels don’t appear that thick either. You also have 100+ watch faces to customize the screen appearance.
2. The screen is engulfed by a polycarbonate case/bezel with a metallic finish. There are watches like the Zebronics Zeb-Fit7220CH in this segment which offer both metallic case and strap, just so you know.
You can pick the Crew Pro in several colours. The silver bezel of the Brown variant looks more glossy in the promo images. Some may prefer the subdued demeanour of the black variants.
Another assuring feature to talk about in the design department is the presence of an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance.
3. Coming to performance, it claims to track 120+ sports activities, which is several modes more than its main rivals.
You are also being promised 7-day endurance out of this thing. It takes about 2 hours to fully charge up.
4. This is Bluetooth calling smartwatch backed by the brand’s TruSync tech which is another name for single-chip BT calling.
This should be good for battery life and a smoother calling experience.
5. The list of health features includes 24x7 heart rate tracking, SpO2 monitoring, stress measurement, sleep monitoring, breath practice, and female cycle tracking.
You can buy the NoiseFit Crew Pro on Flipkart and at ₹2,199.
from Wearable Devices News