A relatively unknown Indian EV company called BattRE launched its first electric scooter in the country on June 5 at a starting price of Rs 63,555. Christened Batt:Mobile, the electric two-wheeler has a claimed top speed of 25 kilometres per hour and a riding range of 90 kilometres on a single full charge. The charging time of its battery is claimed to be four hours. The scooter comes with features like a LED headlamp, disc brakes, and a digital instrument console. The new electric scooter is currently available in Nagpur, Hyderabad, Anantpur, and Kurnool.
According to the press release shared by BattRE, the Batt:Mobile has a digital instrument console that displays information like battery usage, speed, temperature, the odometer, and warnings for malfunctions. The scooter comes with features found in some regular petrol-powered scooters too, such as keyless start, under-seat storage, and a USB port for charging mobile phones. It also features daytime running lights, reverse light, anti-theft alarm with tyre lock, and tubeless tyres.
Going by the scooter’s spec sheet, we can tell that its battery uses Lithium Iron Phosphate, which is good for up to 2,000 charge-discharge cycles or up to seven years. The charger draws 6 amps of power from a regular wall socket. The motor is an unspecified brushless DC unit. Both wheels are ten inches in size and hold 90/100 tyres. The kerb weight of the scooter is listed as 65 kilogrammes. In comparison, a Honda Activa weighs somewhere between 103 and 109 kilogrammes.
“The global e-mobility market is experiencing phenomenal growth due [to] product innovations and change in policies. We are expecting to see the reverberations in the Indian market too. Our aim is to not only build an e-vehicle but also to offer an entire eco-system thereby ensuring that the consumer enjoys a complete e-mobility experience,” commented Nishchal Chaudhary, Founder of BattRE Electric Mobility. The company is currently working on a smartphone application that will help the user talk to their BattRE electric scooter.
from Latest Technology News http://bit.ly/2WkqM7h
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