HMD Global soft-launched the Nokia 9 PureView in India on July 10. The company announced the price and availability of the smartphone without any event or pomp and show. Now, in the same month, rumours have started pouring in about a successor: the Nokia 9.1 PureView. It is being speculated that the new flagship could be launched in Q4 of 2019 with better cameras and a more powerful chipset.
According to NokiaPowerUser, the Nokia 9.1 PureView could be launched in Q4 this year. Earlier, it was reported that the smartphone might be launched in Q3 but the latest report says that the launch has been delayed to Q4. It is being said that the delay is due to some unresolved issues in certain aspects of the phone, such as its camera.
The report says, “Nokia 9.1 testing and feedback cycle has HMD development team focused on resolving some issues related to some of the major USPs of the smartphone, the camera being one of them. HMD doesn’t want to hurry and wants to avoid the bad press that Nokia 9 PureView faced initially.”
On the design front, the Nokia 9.1 PureView is expected to adopt a punch-hole display. It is expected to be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 chipset. As for the operating system, it could come with Android Q out of the box.
Additionally, the Nokia 9.1 PureView is expected to have 5G support.
To recall, the Nokia 9 PureView features a 5.99-inch 2K p-OLED display with an 18:9 aspect ratio. The smartphone is powered by the Snapdragon 845 chipset, paired with 6GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage. However, the USP of Nokia 9 PureView is its camera setup, which consists of five Sony optic modules, each 12MP. Three of the modules feature monochrome sensors, while the other two are RGB sensors.
You can read more about how the device uses its five cameras to capture detailed images here.
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