
After Call of Duty, Apex Legends will now make its way to the mobile platform

Mobile gaming has truly come of age in the past few years. With the emergence of PUBG: Mobile as the premier mobile game and the disruptive introduction of Call of Duty: Mobile, the mobile gaming market has grown up. The platform is even getting a mobile version of Diablo called Diablo: Immortal for mobile. Now, it looks like another cross-platform game is making its way to the mobile gaming scene. Apex Legends is due to be released sometime next year of EA has its way. 

At EA’s Q2 2020 earnings call, Andrew Wilson, CEO of EA, said, “With the Apex Legends community now growing pass 70 million players, we're focused on expanding to mobile new platforms and new geographies, as well as launching and Apex competitive gaming program that we'll share details on soon.” He has said that the game will be hitting mobile devices sometime in the 2021 fiscal year. According to most people, the 2021 fiscal year will take place from October 1 2020 to September 30, 2021. So even if you’re looking forward to capping a few fools, you’ll have to wait for at least a year before you can aim down the sights of Apex Legends. 

It isn’t just the mobile platform that will be getting Apex Legends as Andrew Wilson has also said that the game will be ported over to the PlayStation 5 and the Microsoft Project Scarlett as well. Wilson says, “Our pipeline of future content is packed with really fun experiences that will be delivered through upcoming seasons and a regular cadence of updates for the community.”

For more news on Apex Legends and other games, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 


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