Vivo recently launched its new mid-range Vivo U20 smartphone in India that comes equipped with a Snapdragon 675 chipset. The device goes up against devices like the Realme 5 Pro, Redmi Note 8 and others that are available in the same price range. The handset was originally announced in two memory and storage versions, one with 4GB RAM and 64GB of internal storage and another one with 6GB RAM and 64GB of storage. Now, the company has announced a new 8GB RAM version of the phone, which comes with 128GB of internal storage. Do note that this new, higher memory and storage variant is available only offline.
Vivo U20 specificationsThe Vivo U20 comes equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 675 chipset and features a 6.53 full-HD+ display with a waterdrop notch display design. As mentioned above, it will now be available in three variants, one with 4GB RAM + 64GB storage, 6GB RAM + 64GB internal memory and now 8GB RAM + 128GB of storage. The device is claimed to have a 90 percent screen-to-body ratio with a peak display brightness of 480nits. It is backed by a 5000mAh battery, which supports 18W fast charging.
In terms of optics, the Vivo U20 features a triple rear camera setup. There’s a 16MP primary camera sensor with an f/1.78 aperture, which is accompanied by an 8MP wide-angle camera with an f/2.2 aperture and a 2MP macro sensor. On the front is a 16MP selfie shooter. In our first impressions, we noted that the Vivo U20 is well placed to compete with the Redmi Note 8 and the Realme 5s, at least on paper. You can read our detailed first impressions here.
Vivo U20 8GB RAM version price and offersThe 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant of the Vivo U20 is priced at Rs 17,990 and it is now available via the company’s offline channels. Offers for the new variant include a 5 percent cashback on HDFC Bank credit card regular transactions and credit/debit card EMI & HDFC CD loans till December 31. There’s also 5 percent cashback with ICICI and Axis bank credit card and debit card EMI transactions till December 31. Additionally, Jio users can avail benefits of up to Rs 6,000 with the device.
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