OnePlus 8 series has been listed on Amazon India with details on pricing set to be unveiled in the coming few weeks. OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro, alongside a new Bullets Wireless Z and Warp Charge 30T wireless charging dock were launched globally on April 14. With India currently under a nation-wide lockdown, the Indian pricing of both the phones has been kept under wraps. However, the Amazon listing for OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro has gone live, hinting that the official price unveil is just around the corner.
OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro are the latest flagship phones by the Chinese smartphone maker starting at $699 and going up to $999 for the OnePlus 8 Pro. While the phones have got tad a bit pricier due to the use of the latest Snapdragon 865 chipset that comes with 5G support, it will be interesting to see how well the company prices its latest flagship phones in India.
Post-launch, OnePlus teased Indian fans with an image hinting that the OnePlus 8 series pricing India could be more aggressive than we initially thought. The company is known to price the base variant of its flagship phones at under Rs 40,000 and we believe it could continue doing so with the OnePlus 8 series.
It’s still not known when the prices of the OnePlus 8 series will be revealed and the Amazon listing doesn’t provide more information with that.
OnePlus 8 series of phones are powered by top-of-the-line Snapdragon 865 chip with 5G support and the Pro variant comes with a quad-camera setup (triple on regular), wireless charging support, 120Hz high refresh rate display (90Hz on regular), dedicated MEMC chip, bigger battery, and IP68 certified rating.
Moreover, the company has also released a new Bullets Wireless Z and Warp Charge 30T wireless charger for the OnePlus 8 Pro. You can also head to our specifications based comparison of the OnePlus 8 with Realme X50 Pro and iQOO 3 and of the OnePlus 8 Pro with Apple iPhone 11 Pro and Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro.
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