Xiaomi India has launched the Mi Robot Vacuum Mop-P smart home cleaner on its crowdfunding website at a price of Rs 17,999. The company had earlier teased the launch of a home cleaning product in an attempt to make it easier for individuals to clean their homes regularly. Due to the ongoing nation-wide lockdown being observed by the country to curb the growth of Coronavirus, people have been forced to stay at home and maintain social distancing. As such, Xiaomi thinks it's opportune to launch a product that will let people keep their homes cleaner and the Mi Robot Vacuum Mop-P is aimed at just that.
Xiaomi’s smart vacuum cleaner resembles iRobot’s Roomba in looks and even concept. It has been made available on the company’s Crowdfunding website at a discounted price of Rs 17,999 with shipping commencing from September 15. With the nation-wide lockdown in effect till May 3, the company is only taking pre-paid orders for the smart vacuum cleaner and is also offering a No Cost EMI option starting at Rs 2,999/month.
The crowdfunding listing aims to reach 10,000 units in 30 days for it to be successful and given the current health crisis, it might just be able to reach its goal.
"Today, technology has become an intrinsic part of every household and we are witnessing rising adoption of smart devices suitable for smart homes. Modern consumers want efficient tech-enabled devices that can help them improve their lifestyle and overall well-being. We truly believe that this product can redefine the way consumers approach and interact with the idea of cleanliness at their homes,” said Raghu Reddy, Chief Business Officer, Xiaomi India.
Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop-P featuresThe Mi Robot Vacuum Mop-P is equipped with 12 multi-directional precision sensors and uses a Laser Distance Sensor (LDS) navigation system to automate the cleaning process. It also has an anti-collision and anti-fall sensors to ensure that it stays on course.
The vacuum cleaner has two different modes of functioning and users can choose either between sweeping and mopping or just sweeping only. The former utilizes a 2-in-1 tank that’s provided in-the-box while the sweeping function makes use of a 550ml dust box, also provided with the packaging.
The LDS system can map and scan an area in real-time with a range of up to 8 meters at six times every second. The vacuum cleaner weighs 3.6 kilograms and is compact at 96.5mm so as to reach even the farthest corner of a room. The smart cleaner is fitted with a high-end brushless motor that can reach a peak suction pressure of 2100Pa for effective cleansing of your room.
The cleaning unit has a built-in quad-core processor clocked at up to 1.2 GHz with a dual-core GPU that lets the Robot Vacuum Mop-P compute data, process room information and create a real-time map of areas quickly. It can be paired with the Mi Home app which offers control features like zone cleaning, spot cleaning, scheduling and real-time mapping.
The cleaner is fitted with a 3,200mAh battery that the company claims can power the device for 110 minutes of use.
Xiaomi’s flagship Mi Home Store in Bangalore showcases many interesting products with some of them making it to the market sooner or later. The company aims to bring more lifestyle and home appliances products to the Indian markets including their range of laptops and other consumer electronic products in the near future.
from Latest Technology News https://ift.tt/2VElAgr
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