The OnePlus 8 and the OnePlus 8 Pro launched on April 14 at an online event in the midst of a global pandemic. And while the smartphones have seen a good response in the US and Europe, they are yet to go on sale in India. Presently, you can only pre-order the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro on Amazon India. However, in an interview with IANS, OnePlus India General Manager, Vikas Agarwal said the company has started manufacturing the smartphones in India and they will go on sale in India soon.
OnePlus relies on the Oppo factory in Greater Noida in Uttar Pradesh for manufacturing, and according to the news wire service, the company has resumed operations earlier last week. Mr Agarwal also said the phones will be made available for sale from May end.
"The OnePlus 8 series will be available in the Indian market by May end. We have resumed operations in the Noida facility last week itself in line with the health safety regulations laid out by the government,” Mr Agarwal told IANS.
OnePlus begins doorstep repair service, opens service centresWith the relaxations in areas designated green and orange zones by the government, OnePlus has resumed doorstep repair service as well as reopened some of its service centres.
Presently, the doorstep repair service is live across six cites — Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Pune and Chennai.
“In addition to this, we have resumed services in our standalone customer service centres in 18 cities as of now, while aligning with the government advisory and guidelines on health and safety measures,” Mr Agarwal added.
Echoing the sentiments of PM Modi’s speech to encourage local consumption, Mr Agarwal also said that OnePlus is committed to delving deeper into the government’s “Make in India” strategy, stating that it has already made significant investments in the country owing to the success it found here. Indeed, India is one of the key markets for OnePlus and because of local manufacturing, the company was able to price the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro quite aggressively as compared to markets like the US and Europe.
It has been also been speculated that the next OnePlus flagship could come with 65W fast charging. You can read more about the story here.
Xiaomi, Realme, Vivo and Samsung also resumed servicesNot just OnePlus, other smartphone giants like Xiaomi, Realme, Vivo and Samsung have also resumed operations. Xiaomi said during a media briefing that the Foxconn plant in Andhra Pradesh is now operational and other facilities will also be opening soon in line with the government directives for safety.
Xiaomi also announced a unique Mi Commerce platform where local sellers in your area can take online orders and provide home delivery of the smartphones.
Similarly, Realme, Vivo and Samsung have also begun selling smartphones online to customers residing in green and orange zones.
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