WhatsApp has been in the news in India a lot recently for its privacy policy issues. But today we are focusing on a new feature that’s available in WhatsApp beta. The information comes from WhatsAppBetaInfo. The new feature lets users mute a video before sending it to a contact. The ability to mute a video before sending it available in the update.
According to WhatsAppBetaInfo, “After releasing the update, WhatsApp is finally rolling out something new for their beta testers: the possibility to mute videos before sending it to a contact!”
Mute WhatsApp video before sendingThe feature is pretty handy if you need to send someone a video but don't want to send the background audio. Previously you would have to resort to third-party software to do the same and then send the video. This feature is obviously very handy to a specific set of people, but it’s nice that the feature has made an appearance. There is no information as to when the feature will be available in the final version of WhatsApp.
In other WhatsApp news, there is a malware making the rounds on the instant messaging service. If you receive a message that reads, "Download This application and Win Mobile Phone” then we suggest you avoid it. The message prompts users to download a fake Huawei app, asks for several permissions including notification access to instantly reply to WhatsApp messages that carry a link to the scammer's site. As a general security practice, you should not click on any unknown link, even if it shared with you by a known contact. You can learn more about the new malware here.
Sticking with WhatsApp security, the service has given users the option to implement biometric authentication for WhatsApp for Web or the desktop app as an added layer of security. This will prevent others that have your device from logging into WhatsApp for Web. You can learn more about the biometric authentication here.
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