Qualcomm Snapdragon 778 5G processor has officially been announced as the latest chipset in the 7-series SoCs. The Snapdragon 778 5G chip was unveiled at the Qualcomm 5G Summit to meet the increasing demand in the high-end smartphone segment. The first Snapdragon 778 5G phones from companies like Xiaomi, Realme, Oppo, Motorola, Honor and iQOO will launch later this year.
The Snapdragon 778 5G processor is manufactured on a 6nm architecture process with Kryo 670 CPUs and Adreno 642L GPU that increase the performance and graphics rendering by upto 40 percent over the previous generation. The new chip also brings in mobile gaming and AI-backed photo and video features to high-end phones.
Thrilled to share that #realme will be one of the first brands to Leap to #Snapdragon 778G 5G! Who's excited? pic.twitter.com/4DswTsozg8
— Madhav108MP (@MadhavSheth1) May 19, 2021“Snapdragon 778G was developed to address the growing demand by global OEMs for more platform options in the high-tier. Snapdragon 778G brings many of the latest premium technologies and features into the high-tier to help make next-generation experiences more broadly accessible,” said Kedar Kondap, Vice President of Product Management at Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 778 5G processor is integrated with the Snapdragon X53 5G modem that enables mmWave and sub-6 5G support. The new chip also supports Qualcomm FastConnect 6700, multi-gigabit class WiFi 6 speeds upto 2.9Gbps and more. It also supports Bluetooth 5.2 and WiFi 6E that enables low-latency gaming.
The Snapdragon 778 5G processor also features select Snapdragon Elite Gaming features including Variable Rate Shading (VRS) and Qualcomm Game Quick Touch. The VRS helps in reducing GPU workload and offers better power efficiency while the Quick Touch offers a 20 percent bump in input response for an enhanced gaming experience.
Qualcomm’s new chip also features a 6th generation Qualcomm AI Engine with Hexagon 770 processor offering twice the performance gains over the previous generation. Moreover, the Snapdragon 778G supports Triple ISP allowing it to capture three photos or videos simultaneously. These could include inputs from wide, ultra-wide and telephoto cameras. It also supports upto 4K HDR10+ video recording, HDR and more.
Honor has revealed that its upcoming Honor 50 series will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G processor. Other mobile phone manufacturers like iQOO, Motorola, Oppo, Realme and Xiaomi have also announced that they will launch Snapdragon 778G powered phones in the second half of 2021.
from Latest Technology News https://ift.tt/3ftDSuE
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