Google is expected to launch the Pixel 6a in India on July 21, 2022. And ahead of the event, we have got the leaked Indian pricing of the device. As per Tech YouTuber Sahil Karoul, the box price of Pixel 6a will be ₹43,999. Meanwhile, tipster Abhishek Yadav has come forward with the claim that the Pixel 6a retail price will be ₹37,000. Now the details shared thus far are speculative, but when it comes to the phone, we know what to expect.
We’re so thrilled to announce that the Pixel 6a is coming to India later this year More details #GoogleIO
— Google India (@GoogleIndia) May 11, 2022Google Pixel 6a was announced at the I/O event in May and here are its specifications.
Google Pixel 6a Specs and FeaturesGoogle has equipped the device with a 6.1-inch OLED with a 60Hz refresh rate, an FHD+ resolution, and Gorilla Glass 3 protection. The front camera is an 8MP shooter while the rear photography is handled by a 12.2MP main camera and a 12MP secondary ultrawide snapper.
Internally, the phone is wielding a Tensor SoC with UFS 3.1 storage, LPDDR5 RAM, and a 4410mAh battery. The supported charger speed is 18 watts. You could also get USB-C 3.1 port, WiFi 6e, Bluetooth 5.2, NFC, IP67 ingress protection, and an in-screen fingerprint scanner. There is no headphone jack though.
So, Pixel 6A Indian variant will launch around 37,000 INR.
— Abhishek Yadav (@yabhishekhd) July 18, 2022As for other news, reviews, feature stories, buying guides, and everything else tech-related, keep reading
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