
Google finishes iOS 16 Lock Screen tools rollout with Maps, Search update

San Francisco, Oct 14 (IANS) Tech giant Google has completed iOS 16 lock screen widgets rollout with Maps and Search update.

The company announced to update six lock screen widgets on iOS 16 launch day, out of which, four widgets were updated recently.

Google Maps' 6.40 update adds two iOS 16 Lock Screen widgets - Frequent Trips and Search, reports 9To5Google.

"Frequent Trips" give directions and expected time of arrival for frequent trips. Whereas, the "Search" option helps to find restaurants, gas stations, and more.

The updated Search adds 4 new widgets to iOS 16 - Search, Voice Search, Lens and Lens Shortcuts, the report said.

"Search" gives access to Google Search from the Lock Screen, whereas, with the "Voice Search" you can ask a question, hum a song, or search for content with the voice.

"Lens" helps to search with the camera or any image. Meanwhile, "Lens Shortcuts" provide easy access to any lens.

Recently, the company rolled out "Passkey" support to both Android and Chrome for better safety.

Passkeys are a safer alternative to passwords and other phishable forms of authentication.

"They cannot be reused, don't leak in server breaches, and protect users from phishing attacks," the company recently said in a blog post.

(Except for the headline and cover image, the rest of this IANS article is un-edited)

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