Snapchat has launched a new augmented reality (AR) lens called CP(A)R which is being touted as a life-saving lens. It’s been launched on this day that is World Restart a Heart Day. The social media company has partnered with The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movements (IFRC) and social technology agency Gospooky to develop this AR lens. This new Snapchat lens shows its wearers how CPR is done so that if the time comes, they can give the same to those in need. Let’s see when you will get the new Snapchat CP(A)R lens and how it works.
Snapchat CP(A)R lens: How to use itCP(A)R code
So, briefly put, Snapchat CP(A)R lens “aims to educate Snapchatters on the vital steps to take should they enter an emergency situation and helps them to learn the basics of CPR step by step”.
Here’s what you need to do to use the Snapchat CPR lens:
You could access the CP(A)R lens through the dedicated Snapcode or find it within the Snapchat carousel. As aforementioned, it is releasing on October 16.
In the AR mode, you will see a life-size digital injured/ill person. You can place that floating image in the room. The app will then guide you through key steps of CPR such as:
Checking responsiveness Checking for breathing Calling for help (alerting ) Chest compressions Delivering rescue breaths Using Automated External DefibrillatorYou can watch it multiple times and as the example is life-like, you are likely to have an immersive learning experience.
It is being rolled out globally and will be available in various languages.
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